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LEC Receives Multi-Year MN Dept of Ag Grant

Living Earth Center was recently awarded a multi-year Agriculture Growth, Research, and Innovation (AGRI) Urban Agriculture Grant for their Seed to Sauce Program by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).  The AGRI Urban Agriculture Grant Program encourages urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development within the city limits of urban or peri-urban areas.

Grants help organizations and communities obtain the materials and services necessary to successfully promote urban youth agricultural education and urban agriculture community development.  "We are thrilled to receive this grant," said LEC Finance Manager Melissa Martensen.  "We have put a lot of work into developing Seed to Sauce, and it is validating to have the MDA support this educational initiative and our efforts to expand our reach to include more area youth."

The grant will cover expenses including staffing, supplies, and cost associated with transporting youth from the classroom to the Community Farm through the 2026 growing season.  "As a small nonprofit, multi-year funding is very advantageous," Martensen said.  "Now we can focus our energy on program development and improvements and not have to worry so much about funding for the program."

LEC's Seed to Sauce Program was developed in collaboration with ISD77, and brings LEC staff into the classrooms in the spring to start seeds with participating students.  Those seeds are then planted at the Community Garden and Farm and summer program students tend to the plots, weeding, watering, and learning about sustainable agriculture practices.  In the fall, students will harvest their produce and learn how to make a pizza sauce, with the experience culminating in a make your own pizza party.  Remaining produce will be donated to Community Partners such as ECHO Food Shelf, allowing students to experience first hand how community gardening supports the community around them.

Already this year, LEC staff has met with over 1,000 area youth.  Participating groups include Jefferson Elementary, Dakota Meadows Middle School, MY Place, YMCA Summer Camps, Loyola Summer Program, Rosa Parks Summer Program, and Generations Child and Memory Care.