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Living Earth Word Share Winter Writing Workshop Begins

We are excited to announce that the Facebook Page for our Living Earth Word Share, with local poet/writer Ester Marcella Hoffmann is up and running! 

Over the next 9 weeks Esther will be posting different writing prompts around nature/gardening/Earth and curating a welcoming space for anyone to share and workshop their poetry and writings.  It is a virtual space to express your unique voice by creating writing with the intent to deepen your connection with the gardening community and the planet.

Ester will be hosting live weekly meetings on Wednesdays for participants to share their works.

The first prompt is SEEDS.  Esther says, "write from the POV of a seed, write your sensory experience of seeds, write what seeds you wish to plant this year. Taking time and space to write is the seed of the fruition of your voice. Allow and nurture your words to bloom as they will."

You can join at any time and participate in all 9 weeks or pick and chose from the prompts that call to you!  The object is to have fun and explore poetry writing in a friendly supportive environment.

Please visit and follow the Living Earth Word Share Facebook page for more information and for more writing prompts as they are released: