Looking Back and Moving Forward: 14 Years of Earth Conferences

Due to the global pandemic, Living Earth Center is unable to host its Annual Earth Conference this November, but it didn't feel right not to do anything at all...
What our Earth Conference Task Force came up with is a compromise we're calling, "Looking Back and Moving Forward: 14 Years of Earth Conferences."
We invite you to join us via zoom as we take a look back at video clips of highlights from past conferences. Then participate in a conversation about how those lessons from the past can be applied to both our present situation and our world as it continues to move forward and evolve.
Together we will explore how themes such as community and diversity, originally applied to conference topics like Food and Seed, are also applicable in 2020, a time of a global pandemic and social unrest.
We look forward to virtually gathering with you and making the best of what is a difficult situation for everyone. We are most sad that there is no way to virtually share Sister Gloria's traditional delicious conference-opening muffins.
Tickets are available via eventbrite: $15 for general admission, $5 for students.
All are welcome, regardless of ability to pay, if you need a conference scholarship please email livingearthcenter@ssndcp.org