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Event Calendar

Living in Harmony with Native Wildlife

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
5:30 pm7:30 pm
ONLINE- Via Zoom Meeting

Join LEC and Nebraska Wildlife Rehab's Executive Director Laura Stastny to learn more about the wildlife in your own backyard. We will look at the circumstances bringing so-called "nusiance" animals into our yards and neighborhoods and explore ways we can coexist with them.

Bats in your belfry?
Raccoons in your attic?
Conflicts with wildlife in your home or on your property can be frustrating and drive many people to do drastic things. When problems arise, wild animals often suffer the consequences. Fortunately, there are many simple things we all can do to solve wildlife conflicts humanely and to allow the animals to live their natural lives, outside of our homes. During this online class we will learn more about how to solve common wildlife conflicts and how you can help wildlife every day.
With a little effort, we can all live in harmony together!

Online meetup information will be sent to participants before date of class.

Tickets are $7
Scholarships to cover cost of ticket are available, contact for details.