3rd Annual Earth Conference - Web of Life, Way of Life

Opening Reflection
Before delivering her keynote address, speaker Lucy Slinger led conference participants in an interactive reflection, demonstrating how all things are interconnected.

Keynote Speaker - Lucy Slinger FSPA, PhD.
Web of Life: A Transformative Consciousness
Lucy Slinger, FSPA, PhD. brought her rich planetary experience and history to explore the theme of the conference and the deep philosophical underpinings of living in the community of life on Earth.

Keynote Speaker Lucy Slinger and Morning Panelists Tom Hagen and Florence Minar.
Morning Panel
Florence Minar, organic dairy farmer from New Prague, and Tom Hagen, co-founder of the Mankato Million Trees Project, reflected on the ways they respond in their own lives to the theme of this conference.
Afternoon Workshops
The afternoon consisted of two hour-long sessions. Participants could choose from the following 4 workshops which 2 they wanted to attend.
A. Exploring Solidarity with Earth: Individuals Changing Institutions
This workshop looked at individuals who have affected change within existing institutions. The panel members shared their motivations and tactics for "greening" their faith community, organizational administration, and a college campus.
Marty Beil, Director of Environmental Services, and chair of the Green Team at the School Sisters of Notre Dame.
Jim Dontje, Director of the Johnson Center for Environmental Innovation at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Melissa Rappaport Schifman, representing Temple Israel's Task Force for Sustainability.
B. Exploring Solidarity with Earth: Making Changes within a Profession
This workshop explored was that help people make earth-friendly decisions about renovation, home building and landscaping. The presenters presented practical ways of heating, lighting, creating alternative septic systems as well as natural habitats that will provide a relaxing setting while reducing your carbon footprint.
Kevin Breeggemann of Kevin Breeggemann Design, contractor, designer, builder, renovator, and landscape designer from Jordan, MN.
Douglas Owens-Pike, founder of EnergyScapes, landscaping with native plants for beauty, energy, and water conservation from Minneapolis, MN.
C. Exploring Solidarity with Earth: Organizations Working for Systemic Change
These presenters, staff members of Minnesota non-proffit organizations with missions of systemic change, shared how their organizations empower communities to advocate for sustainable practices in land, food, and environmental issues.
John Knisley, Field Organizer for the Minnesota Environmental Partnership.
Mark Schultz, Director of Programs for the Land Stewardship Project.
D. Exploring Solidarity with Earth: A Video Exploration
View select resources available from the Center for Earth Spirituality and Rural Ministry.